If the problem is that the cat is dehydrated it may need treatment with fluid therapy and in addition make sure that it always has water at its disposal apart from reinforcing it with wet food. A change in the sizeshape of the pupil. Home Remedies For Cat Eye Infection Wildernesscat Cat Eye Infection Eye Infections Cat Eye Discharge I often notice that the third eyelid of these cats is extended farther over the eye than normal. . If you see protrusion of either of your. Scrolling of the third eyelid is a uni-or bilateral condition caused by an abnormal curvature of the vertical portion of the T-shaped cartilage. Entropion is the turning in of the edges of the eyelid so that the eyelashes rub against the eye surface. If your cats third eyelid isnt retracting properly when hes awake and making him look as though hes wearing a milky eye patch or two this generally indicates a deeper medical issue. What Cause Cat Third Eyelid ...